
A list of commands and their usage for your community. Anything in <> is required while anything in [ ] is optional for the command to work.

Moderation Commands

The commands in this section relate to moderation: tools to help you keep your members following your rules, or... if they aren't, how to discipline them or throw them out.

Warning a User

Use either the userMention (@user) or their user ID to warn the user.

!warn <@user / userID> [Reason]

Kicking a User

Use either the userMention (@user) or their user ID to kick the user.

!kick <@user / userID> [Reason]

This is a permission-based command. You must have the ability to kick members to run this.

Banning a User

Use either the userMention (@user) or their user ID to ban the user. Some time format examples are:

  • Year: 1y - Bans the user for 1 year

  • Day: 7d - Bans the user for 7 days

  • Hour: 1h - Bans the user for 1 hour

  • Minute: 15m - Bans the user for 15 minutes.

!ban <@user / userID> [time] [Reason]

This is a permission-based command. You must have the Manage Server or Ban Members permission to run this.

Announcing a message

Send a message using Seam to a designated channel, use a channel mention.

!announce [#channel] [message]

Seam can only send messages where it can speak in! Make sure Seam has the correct permissions configured for your server.

You must be able to speak in the specified channel or have the Manage Server permission to run this command.

Purging Messages

Got a nasty spammer in your server? Use this command to quickly clean up the mess. Use either the userMention (@user) or their user ID to specifically erase messages from a single user.

!purge <1-100> [@user / user ID]

Utility Commands

The commands in this section relate to general upkeep of the server or for managers to run the community from a distance.

Help Command

Need a refresher on how to perform various actions? Use this command to jog your memory. Alternatively, join our Discord server for 1-on-1 assistance.


Fun Commands

The commands in this section are all about the games and fun to keep members on their toes and engaged in your server.

8 Ball!

!8ball <question>

Last updated

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